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04/27/14 3:03 PM

#6872 RE: CompassOH #6871

Hi Compass....been a while. I issued two Investor Updates, the 2nd which Harvard88 stickiedi being the more important one. A lot of Investors have not checked the Msg Board so you are not alone. Compared to our lonely no information Dr. Walker Days,....this could be our train finally arriving at the station. The principals are very available to anyone so I stay in touch and relay what I hear to everyone on the board. They are talking Private Placement meetings upcoming and they talk more like. $1 per share, optimistic, but what else would you hear from a principal. ..if we succeed at becoming the Key Small Merchant financial support institution for the cannabis industry for California, Washington and Colorado, we should do very well. I feel like something is finally happening for us after so many years of Doc Rip Van Winkle and our endless flow of nothing. This is something to look forward to.