There are always exceptions to the norm but holding every pinkie waiting for that type of action is a horrible plan unless you get lucky. Look at it now. Classic pump and dump manipulation resulting from jumping on the MMJ bandwagon. Had nothing to do with their relaxation drink being in Walmart. Many BAGHOLDERS created on that play. The smart ones sold anywhere above a penny. You'll see it back in the trips by the end of summer in my opinion, right where I wish I had bought in when it dipped back down to .0003
It's all good though. There are hundreds of others that will pop. Greed only works with a little bit of luck in pinkyland. Timing top and bottom is virtually impossible. I know I would never have held up to 3 cents but I bet some did and are still holding waiting for those lost profits to return. Sad part is they never will in my opinion. Hard lesson to learn for the newbs.
Hope your surgery went well. I always tell myself I am going to hold some shares for the huge run but always sell them eventually. Sometimes I miss out like with pmr* which I sold at .003 a day or two before it went over a penny. Again, look at it now. Otherwise selling for smaller profits works much better in the longer term. Took those profits and multiplied them several times over in other .0001s
Still sucks when the big bounce comes after selling out. Can't imagine watching it happen from a hospital bed after selling out. That's just depressing. Gotta get past the greed stage to make money in this market.