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04/25/14 2:58 AM

#207980 RE: Dakelli #207956

Therefor, the Hersaling bill was seen as DOA from beginning to end based on the massive amount of opposition.... Stockholders, in general, did not care.

The market reaction was a $.11 drop from 1.61 to 1.50 over the two days of committee markup and roll call votes on the amendments and the bill to be reported to the House.

With the Crapo-Johnson bill the opposition is there, but not nearly as much. And, as you said, almost absent from the liberal democrats.

What was said was "Liberal Democrats on the Senate Banking committee, in the main, have not been vocal in direct opposition to the Johnson-Crapo discussion draft."

They may oppose but they are not saying so publicly for all to hear. They also are not giving their support publicly.

The Senate is a bit more reserved in manner than the sometimes raucous House. We will see what happens during the markup and roll call vote whenever that will be since it is not yet on the schedule and the bill has not been officially referred to committee.

Market reaction at this point will be much more harsh, don't you think?

Hard to tell at this point because of the reserve of the Liberal Democrats, the daily opposition to the bill found in the media, the unconfirmed signal that the markup will be delayed, the fact that the bill has not been referred to committee or officially published and the repetition of the idea that the 12 votes necessary to report the bill to the Senate have been obtained, despite not knowing who the twelve are.

There is little chance the bill will make it to the Senate floor without significant changes in the bill. If it makes it to the floor, it may well be stymied by fiscal conservative Republicans and Liberal and some Progressive Democrats. There are mixed signals being generated in the media and by rampant speculations about how this is going to go, even though there is no information or data to support these conjectures

If we're lucky, and it doesn't pass committee the PPS rises.


With the opposite, it sharply decreases...


Catalysts are running thin, people want to see the Crapo-Johnson bill officially buried...

With no opposition what other reaction can there be?

There is opposition all around to Johnson-Crapo. Even so, we are still waiting to see further opposition by Senate committee members and how the media will handle the proceedings.


04/25/14 7:54 AM

#207989 RE: Dakelli #207956

and as he said ...Democrats

It did say in the house no DEM voted yes

AFAIK the loudest voices agin it are


If senate stays DEM - no go

If senate goes tea -- maybe (still enough REPS in the tea party to stop stupidity - I hope)