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04/24/14 4:35 PM

#84325 RE: pxxpy7 #84314

Haha. Wow. It has been the most posted stock for a reason, it's not the publicity you want. 4 class action lawsuits is a remarkable achievement, hahaha. And ambiguous? Are you kidding me, this is a negative, there is absolutely no way anyone can spin this as a positive. There is nothing ambiguous about this. And finally, if you don't know where this will end up tomorrow then investing might not be for you. I don't know how low this will dip, 80%, 90%, or 95% but its definitely going to be red. It's going to get ugly and it's going to get ugly fast. Watch and learn.

PS this IS an Ordeal.

a painful or horrific experience, especially a protracted one.

"Entire ordeal"?? Do you mean ten days of trading stoppage for unknown or at best, ambigious reasons - four ambulance chaser lawsuits from idle lawyers (notice how they all came in succession, within minutes of each other)?? Since this "ordeal" began this has been one of the most posted boards on this site. There will be plenty of action on this board when it opens Friday AM and after. I certainly don't know where it will end the day nor do any of the self-annointed "experts" here, but this company will not go away...not in this sector.