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03/10/06 8:38 PM

#9142 RE: pokerdv8 #9131

I have to agree with you poker and to tell you the truth, I hope they are successful so that I can accumulate more for my wife at lower prices!
My main complaint with people like shorts, 3x3 and the others including the "Worm" is, why do they expend so much time and effort posting on blogs and BBs about old news that is just rehashed. Granted there are crooked companys out there and PLNI, IMHO, has a chance of being one although I feel it a remote chance at best.
If I felt as strongly as these folks (shorts, audit calling card, GB and others who post on weekends and break 1000 posts in a very short time), I would use all of the time and effort to organize a blog or website or BB collecting people who have been misled and fleeced by JT and PLNI. They could then combine their "evidence'" with that of people that contact them and file some type of legal action.
I know that in the past, when companies or people were found and prosecuted for running a scam, they were basically given a slap on the wrist. I didn't really understand why this was until I considered things from the perspective of companies and CEOs. They are automatically taking taking a huge risk when they attempt to start their own buisness. From interest rates, competition, supply, demand, labor costs, overhead and all of the other things that can make or break a buisness.
Since commerse is an integral part of our countrys security and success, it makes sense to me that if the government were to come down overly hard on the few crooked companys out there, it would cause a "chilling effect" when it comes to undertaking the task of starting new a buisness endevor.
Now if a company has ripped off huge numbers of people, that too could hurt the economy. However, people who invest in Pink Sheet companys know what the risks are regardless of what the CEO says or doesn't say, I think it right that the bulk of the burden be on the shoulders of the accsers to prove that the company in question is guilty.
It shouldn't be hard to do as when a company like PLNI issues PRs there is a paper trail. When CEOs are interviewed, you also have them saying in their own words evidence that the accusers can use against them. Much of this is already used by the accusers in the form of cutting and pasting the same old information from the past over and over. (see many of shorts, calling card and others posts that do just that) simply to scare or cause possible future investors from joining the company. To me, and IMHO, this is just their way of trying to get even or taking out on the company, their anger at THEMSELVES for taking a loss. You don't lose until you sell! No one has any one to blame for a loss other than themselves. If they are the ones shorting a company then I can see why they would be desirous of stopping anyfurther demand and subsequent pps increase due to increase in demand.
I know of only one company that ripped off its investors and that is Enron.
I do know that there is a gradually building body of evidence pointing at "naked shorting" and "failure to fills" as being of the greater threat to our system of investing. This informaion was very enlightning and is also the subject of Motley. There is other information out there: (><, >< and find the way the information is presented and the statistics used to be far more convincing thatn these of the negitive BB posting community. I have to wonder if these folks are not the scam rather than the comapnys that they attempt to destroy. This is all JMO, but I for one am not going to let these people with their stale information stop me from investing in something I think has a high level of potential. If I'm wrong you won't see mee doing the negitive BB post boggy but rather move on and try to be more careful. Nez
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jim stop loss

03/10/06 8:59 PM

#9146 RE: pokerdv8 #9131

Poker, I am just a hobby investor. I am not a basher, I am not a professional, I am not an expert in the stock market.
I am , however, very experienced in business, auditing and the stock market.
I lost ovr $10 grand my first year in stocks. That was 30 plus years ago when $10 grand was a good years wages. I continued to lose money for about 10 years with a smaller loss each year. I am now consistantly making a very nice profit off the street.
I reported over $100K last year. All of that was from small profit taking. Sometimes $100.00 and sometimes a few thousand (RMBS & YHOO) I have learned that I am not going to hold on to pinkies and wait for the balloon to rise. As I said in a previous post, all of the big jumps I've seen have been in the Medical, Technology and energy fields. Never in a manufacturing company.
I would like you to read an article from Motley Fool about PLNI. This is not the last word but it does seem to follow my thinking about this company.

I am just one of the people who are cautious. I am simply stating my opinions for what it's worth. I do not intend to influence anyone. I would like people to think when they read my ideas. I don't mean that anyone should agree. Just think!

Opinions are like belly buttons (I've heard it another way), everybody has one.
I never personally attack anyone and I feel that those who do should bend their minds a bit and offer constructive thoughts that might also make me think.
Please be constructive and give me some other way to think about PLNI that I have missed. I would like that.
Good luck in your investing future.