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04/24/14 10:32 AM

#52105 RE: postyle #52101

The hearing is not really a catalyst. Analyzing the hearing is typically nothing more than guessing. I don't know why investors or traders try.

IMO the facts of the case through district court are solid. I don't really see any claims construction issues. Invalidity is not a problem. There might be commentary related to the damages calculations, but VRNG relied on facts, which the jury/judge more or less agreed with (too bad they didn't know how to use calculators).

I believe the CAFC will be a test of investor patience and will likely confirm more or less what everyone already knows: Google is on the hook for roughly $1B in ongoing royalties through 2016. Google's negotiating position is extremely poor currently. After the CAFC writes their opinion Google will try to stall again with an en banc petition, followed by a SCOTUS petition. VRNG's negotiating position is very strong and will improve with a CAFC affirmation.

IP investors will continue to grasp at straws trying to figure out how everything works. It presents an opportunity for those who know what they are doing or those that at least listen to them.

This isn't rocket surgery. BOL


04/24/14 10:38 AM

#52108 RE: postyle #52101

Postyle, your posts are important since they temper and influx the hard cold facts.

But, would you rather invest before a court decision or after a court decision?

Its basically a bet. Personally I would rather bet before a decision.

Seems even if you win like VRNG did in the Jan Google decision, curveballs appear and knock the stock price back down such as the exchange halting trading and insiders selling a huge load of VRNG stock at $5.00 killing all upward momentum.

In the stock market, nothing is perfect, even perfect knowledge.


04/24/14 11:34 PM

#52126 RE: postyle #52101

Great post!

I for one am trying to learn as much as possible about investing in patent stocks, but still have much to learn; and admittedly, have had some of those irrational expectations based on thinking I have an understanding of what's going on, when I don't.

Thanks Postyle!