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Black Beerd

04/23/14 10:51 AM

#13049 RE: SYTI #13045

Home builders getting you know what kicked out of them today on the home builders news out. Its getting lots of attn. on the business wires and none of its good.
As they all rolls down hill and HD isn't immune to these factors. No demand for reg wood much less some BOUTIQUE wood with a red sauce on it. Very troublesome for a company that has as much debt and financial trouble as this one already has in spades. The painted corner this CEO is in now just got measurably smaller.

Not sure who is a technical trader here either, but if you are the charts are breaking down. that 50 ma is being compromised...that said....I'm not a huge TA fan on pinks and especially low volume stinks like this. It might serve as important for the flippers here though.