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04/22/14 10:31 PM

#1164 RE: l2 hunter #1163

yup.....still alot of buying pressure on this has been up 3 days in a row now....i sold to early...this stock was so over sold 3 or 4 days ago, all you had to buy and it was like candy from a baby. it was easy probably still is.....i just took my dough from this ATM and cashed in. i might get back in. if the share price drops big on little volume, i will jump in quickly. I hate short sellers....they love the advantage the have over us common folks...they love the advantage they have because they are allowed to play on an un even playing field......short sellers, especially naked short sellers are evil. this stock has no revenue....i only play stocks based on technical charting. GLT to longs....but not good luck to short sellers....short sellers are allowed to short sell a stock tradeing under five bucks....but I am not allowed that opportunity and neither is 98% of us.....short sellers are evil....they think they are great traders because they are allowed to break the rules and play on an un-even playing field....glt to the longs


04/23/14 12:23 AM

#1166 RE: l2 hunter #1163

Thanks For The Updates Today ~


04/23/14 11:46 AM

#1173 RE: l2 hunter #1163

Was the PRAN "breakout" supposed to happen today?