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04/22/14 3:08 PM

#889 RE: Chess Master #888

I agree. News always trumps charts. But it is important to Usenet technical analysis for buy and sell points


04/22/14 3:29 PM

#890 RE: Chess Master #888

CM, I think that's a great summary of the fundamentals. thanks for that. very important.

Now, lets remove(ignore) your criticism of me and my technical analysis , and you'd have a perfect commentary.

Technical analysis of price action has been remarkably accurate and prescient. Its all here for folks to review,if they wish.

Technical and fundamental analysis can Both work together and they should be used together . My TA is not overanalyzed. it is precisely analyzed and done correctly.

Try posting your valuable fundamental analysis, without denigrating the TA.

It would give readers a richer understanding.

Now, if I can gain from your commentary, that GALT has some very good news coming soon, I'll remember that and take it into consideration when the Technical price resistance happens, and support pullback happens, and it will help me make good decisions, about selling a little or buying a little more . How it might alter my vision as I look at the chart, and explains why some support and resistance is stronger or weaker at a given time. as the fundamental factors start to enter the picture again.

Good investing to all.


04/22/14 4:44 PM

#892 RE: Chess Master #888

Chess: Based on cohort 1 and reading the animal studies, I think that the 2nd cohort will be a homerun but there is still value in completing the 3rd cohort. The 3rd cohort in my opinion will prove to be completely curative and the company could then file for "breakthrough" designation. Breakthrough designation, I believe, would allow for FDA approval after phase 2 has been completed. It could mean approval for GRMD02 by 2016 (which is years before the market expects approval). That would be the type of catalyst which would propel the valuation up and up. My opinion is that OCA and GRMD02 are going to end up being combination treatments for NASH. GRMD02 could be added to treatment when patients have stage 3 or 4 fibrosis. That is a huge unmet patient population. ALL IMO.