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04/22/14 12:04 PM

#4146 RE: Investorhm #4145

I called this morning and actually got the number to Matt Veal and I spoke to him and introduced myself for the first time. I am very impressed with this guy, I really like him. He is sharp. He told me that the company raised money and the exact words are we are going to raise more and we going to sell our way out to the promise land. I also ask him about the new Dallas plant and he told me its perfect and centered in Dallas and that the company that make the bottles and sleeve are down the road and this in the end will speed up the production and will also save money on transportation. He explained how at one time he was involved with a trucking company and has learned to really save money on shipping and the key is to keep raising money and selling their way to the black. He also told me that LTCG is a great guy and really is going to help marketing the brand. I told him I want to do all I can help to get Larry's shot out here in Georgia etc. I actually am going to meet him at Bevnet this summer. He took about 10 min with me then had to take another call. He wouldn't comment on the Lawsuit with PLN he said I will let our lawyers do that talking for us. I feel that Hangover Joe's is in good hands with this guy. He know what it's going to take to GIT-R-Done. Plus he know how to raise money I believe.


04/22/14 12:09 PM

#4147 RE: Investorhm #4145

I agree, all it takes is basic math skills so I'm not sure why you don't understand. I was simply pointing out that you posted financing numbers that were completely wrong, like claiming 825K raised when it was only 375K. But like I said, all the money from 2013 is gone anyway so it's irrelevant