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04/22/14 10:16 AM

#12992 RE: bearsmuter #12988

Only reaction was to the Conman quote that the inventor stated it was the best batch mixture he has ever seen. Apparently Steve is not only a master framer but a master blender LMFAO.
I WAS SURPRISED that NewStar/Randall Hart has supported Eco after losing millions but apparently Hart had pledged his 21 recipe to MRL as collateral and now that RedWood/Eco has paid them off it seems Hart can once again wheel and deal his 21 recipe...Hes as much of a scammer as Conman. He sells to megola investors for 2.5M and sells to BioFlamex and sells to who knows who and now will most likely get a % of sales from Eco? OBVIOUSLY Conman couldn't reverse engineer as why would he want to give Hart any % of sales. Should help Eco's margins and QC but one can assume that those Hart has screwed over may now do something about it now that he has come into the states. We love our lawyers here! I won't bother posting links to all the above info on 8k's and PR as we have all seen them. Eco now blends the 21 which is good for them but doesn't hide ALL their other huge issues they need to deal with and they still only sell $4k of wood to each store at moment and profit is $500 for both HD and Eco...hope they can survive and we know they will because they have 8B more shares to dump.