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04/22/14 2:40 PM

#62686 RE: Toxic Avenger #62684

I'm not sure how you get from " Even Leslie went out of his way to dispel that craziness, in a fleeting moment of charitable, fiduciary service" to " now we believe everything Les says".

The point seems more that "Even Les, who blatantly shills for the company, doesn't believe the Volcan story".

Is Les a liar or not? Many have said he is but I don't recall any public comment from MDMN or Les for that matter saying that Volcan ISN'T the partner. As for Les believing the Volcan story I'm pretty damn sure he knows EXACTLY who the partner is and he isn't saying one way or the other.

Follow the bouncing ball man. Beth believes a quote, supposedly coming from Les, saying that Volcan isn't the partner. She has called him a liar on multiple occasions yet now she decides to believe something he says. I guess if it fits ones narrative then run with it but you can't call the man a liar in one breath then believe something in another especially since it was back channel nonsense in the first place.

If anyone can find a public disclosure with Les' name on it stating that Volcan is not the partner then feel free to post that information here. Otherwise it's all rumor.