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04/21/14 10:41 PM

#14725 RE: john44 #14724

No company will touch this thing. why buy debt? They can easily do their own doll, like Mattel has already done.


04/21/14 10:53 PM

#14726 RE: john44 #14724

Another 'you're kidding' right?!? OWOO's debt is $10,000,000 and growing!!! Every day that goes by OWOO's over $2,000,000 operating budget is being met, not with doll sales (not even enough to pay the IRP's posting here)...but with share sales!!!

You get ready you ain't seen nothing yet OWOO has gifted almost the entire OS to themselves, 16,200,000,000 billion pre-split to Trent alone (the AS is almost maxed out, if not already).

The mother of all dilution waves is about to hit, washing what remains of OWOO right down the toilet.