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04/21/14 9:28 PM

#113773 RE: Goodspeed65 #113763

I rather be with a new and honest management team than with an old experienced and dishonest team.

And when I say new, I mean new as in public company, because when it comes to management those guys are not rookies at all.

That's just me.

I make money, I don't let money make me.

I have a good feeling about this company, I've done my DD.

Long TTDZ- green cures


04/21/14 10:05 PM

#113779 RE: Goodspeed65 #113763

Good point. At least she truly believes in the cause. Maybe over time she will reign in the 16 y/o girl that desires to make everything a Facebook post. I do think we are lucky to have people who truly care in charge of this company. It's easy for me to be critical of any mistakes that are being made, but at this level it's laughable. I don't think it will hinder the growth of the company in the long run and I know this isn't your run of the mill suit and tie sector but someone other than our CEO needs to try and at least pretend to be professional.


04/21/14 10:31 PM

#113792 RE: Goodspeed65 #113763

We need to remember too these are their PERSONAL Facebook pages. Not official company pages or anything like that. If she posted that on Green Cures page there may be more concern. Lots take to fb to express their feelings. I find it amazing that they maintain open pages and accept our friend requests. That to me shows a desire to really connect with the people they want to help and us shareholders too.