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04/22/14 2:42 AM

#64976 RE: farviewhill #64964

Hey be paranoid if you wish, but I don't work for any hedge fund or anything related to the stockmarket. I'm an individual investor who has had the same positive view about ACTC as you have for years, until this latest bombshell. Actually maybe more positive than you Fairviewhill - I've seen you flip flop a number of times over the last couple of years here.

Look, I know you don't want to face it, but forget about my ranting, just look what's right in front of your face. It's an 8K confirming default. This is shortly after ACTC issued restated financials which stated they did have the funding to cover this, so there is only three possibilities: they lied on the financials (in which case, it's definitely game over), or they intentionally defaulted, or they just didn't deliver out of extreme incompetence.

Of those three, apply occam's razor and it really only leaves you only one answer; they intentionally defaulted.

Now ask yourself; what possible reason would they have for doing that? The answer to that is not good from here on out, as far as us long term investors go. Put your emotions to the side, forget my angry outburst and forget your desire to see ACTC succeed and your portfolio to expode, and just look at the plain facts in front of you and what they infer. I cannot see a positive side to this for long term shareholders.

I challenge you to refute what I have put forward above, without reverting to ad-hominem attacks and accusations claiming that I work for some scumbag hedge fund. Just stick to the facts as they are, like them or not. You're only doing yourself a disservice by not looking at this with an unbiased lens.

Yes I'm a 'new' member, technically. Actually I'm an old member who closed my account some time ago out of disgust at how a certain individual apparently has cart blanche to write any slanderous libelous trash talk he wishes on this forum, without fear of post deletions or restrictions, while anyone who tried to respond to his outrageous claims had their posts deleted within minutes, and if they persisted, soon found themselves restricted as I did, or banned altogether from posting here. This same individual destroyed the Google Finance ACTC board years ago, which led SuperFeeeed to create a new 'private' forum. I exchanged private emails with our 'friend' back in the Google forum days after a particularly nasty exchange where I refuted with well informed dd and links to support my responses to every last libelous claim the guy made. He apologized to me in private and confirmed he was indeed on a payroll to do what he continues to do on this forum. That IHub apparently condone it is why I left here, so don't dare class me in the same cesspool as that 'person'. I spoke out because I took my blinders off and saw what was right in front of me. ACTC defaulted, and that is probably one of the worst possible things they could do right now (for us particularly), outside of declaring bankruptcy straight up.