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04/21/14 7:14 PM

#64952 RE: anselab #64951

As previously reported in the 10K on Jan 17, the company is currently working to resolve the matter.


04/21/14 7:15 PM

#64953 RE: anselab #64951

I just saw this too -

I joined back with IHub (something I thought I'd never do again) to express my utter disgust at this latest development.

I believe it only came out today because, as stated in the 8K ( ), it was due April 15th but with 3 days to make good, which I guess is close of business today since markets were closed Friday.

I am FURIOUS at yet another failure by ACTC. Can't blame Rabin for this one!

I expect a HUGE dump on this stock tomorrow - likely down to the lower .04's or worse.

Based on lies from Rabin, I shifted a big chunk of my portfolio into this stock, then 2 days later they announced that HUGE dilution, which was most certainly a material event that should have been disclosed in the shareholders meeting 2 days earlier.

Then Rabin gets the boot, some more rah-rah bs from the new 'honest' management, led me to believe we were finally able to move ahead, so I moved near $30,000 into this stock with a big buy (for me) at .076, then it dumps again.. bought more at .o6 last week, my daughters college money.. and now THIS BS!!!!

No wonder Lanza didn't sign a new contract!

I am going after these slime legally with what I have left if this turns out to be anything but an honest oversight, but it looks like bankruptcy might be exactly their tactic - lose all the debt and screw the shareholders, and come out the other end and make huge money for themselves at our expense. I have been in this stock since early 2009 and I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN WITHOUT A FIGHT. I will go after every one of these directors personally with civil suits, including Lanza himself. I will not rest. I consider this theft, and with nothing left to lose there is no reason to just shrug and let these corporate evil slimes get away with it!!!

I just can't believe they have screwed us AGAIN!!! This is the end of my faith in Lanza and his bs biocentrism - that should have told me enough right there that this guy is full of it.

Screw you ACTC you backstabbing evil self-serving pieces of human garbage.


04/21/14 7:26 PM

#64956 RE: anselab #64951

I wasn't sure if this was the same as the 4.1m spoken of earlier or different. It sounds like it is different.
