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03/09/06 6:24 PM

#109498 RE: boofusboy #109490


You sound as if you're in the wrong investment.

The sour stomach just isn't worth it.

Move to another you can be more peaceful with, please!
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03/09/06 6:24 PM

#109499 RE: boofusboy #109490

The good news is no ones postivie or negative take on this board is going to change the reality of what is to come - and what is to come is unknown for sure by any of us. Buy sell or hold - it is a guessing game and some will win and some will lose - my wish is for all of us to win - except the MM's
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03/09/06 6:50 PM

#109507 RE: boofusboy #109490

boofusboy: Ever think that they may have a contract w/ to do so (regular interviews at given intervals)?

Further, there WILL be some sort of 8K at least on any "further expansion" of the CC/GnF partnership. There has to be, otherwise it dies. And, if there is an 8K about it (which there needs to be, IMO - "definitive agreement"), I'd be damn surprised if CC wouldn't want GnF to release a PR about it. That's like marrying somebody and not wanting anybody to know you really did becaused you're actually embarrassed by her. It wouldn't make sense, IMO, to not release a PR about it.

Don't forget, the trial period w/ GnF ends next week from today. It's already been confirmed by others here that six more stores and at least one Ohio store now have GnF promotional item inside. That is in no way an ending to their partnership and in fact, is confirmation that "further expansion" is happening. They wouldn't start those stores up just to kill them in a few weeks time. That's utterly ridiculous to think. Not saying you think it's "dead", just re-itterating. I haven't had the chance to listen to the interview yet.

Therefore, based on the verbage of last 8K, there MUST BE a definitive agreement between the two regarding the addition of any stores, in any fashion. Again, I find it hard to believe that they would add seven new stores just a few short weeks prior to the termination of the pilot program. Why go through all the work and furthermore, if CC didn't think it was to their benefit to continue their relationship w/ GnF past 3/15/06, then I'm sure they wouldn't entertain the notion of having them slap stickers on a bunch of product, train, setup kiosks (not sure if they did that...didn't see the pics) etc...just to have them undo it all less than a month later. Again, not saying you think it's "dead", just re-itterating. I haven't had the chance to listen to the interview yet.

" 3. Term of the Pilot Program. It is the intention of the Parties that the Pilot Program shall commence on or about November 1, 2005 and terminate on March 15, 2006. Thereafter, if the Parties mutually agree that a National
Rollout of the Program is mutually beneficial, the Parties
shall enter into a definitive agreement for such National

Again, an 8K on a national rollout w/ no accompanying PR on THEE MAJOR MILESTONE this company has performed to date!?

I just don't get the thinking there.

I still contend that for CC to gain the subs rev they want to gain, they need to have blanketed coverage of GnF in the bulk of their stores by Thanksgiving. They wouln't put them in there if that's not what they wanted. Why waste the floorspace?

Don't forget as well, CC I'm sure put a lot of DD into this before ever even signing them on to begin with under a "trial period". It's a commitment on both parts. Therefore it was planning and preparation by both parties involved. That then tells me that Chip and John were not too agressively forcasting their orginal planned expansion of 55 stores/month because it wasn't just their decision to make. Sure, they present their plan to CC but CC wouldn't just buy it and put their name next to it w/o being convinced themselves beforehand that it would be possible.

I'll be listening to the interview tonight and will save my last few posts for then.

Chin-up, boofusboy.
