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04/21/14 11:50 AM

#32650 RE: randall899 #32645

Forget about what "bashers" say... They are a single voice.

Instead... Focus on what the collective market has said.

This stock used to have 100 million shares. They now have 2.83 BILLION (MOST RECENT QUARTER "MRQ")

The share price used to be $5.00 and is now at $0.0030 RT.

The company, since inception has issued LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF PR's promising growth, profits, entry into this market or that market AND THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ONE SINGLE, SOLITARY QUARTER with net profit...only losses.

Forget about what one or two of three bashers say.... Listen to the collective market and see that they're saying this company is a penny stock fraud. A fraud that exists because of its dilution rate. A fraud that exists because the Fraud Squad (Ali, Guest, Singletary, Delong) are selling warrants and Convertible notes in exchange for cash at the sole peril to their shareholders.