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04/21/14 11:00 AM

#20989 RE: dcspka #20984

RXPC is not in flux. Nothing is on hold. Nobody is waiting on anything.

Radient has no business. Their last patent expires in five weeks, after which the company will have zero assets.

SRL is done with onko-sure, and after a couple years of poor revenues, UNI will probably be done with it too. But none of that affects RXPC in any way. RXPC is a zombie.

There is no takeover, no merger, no buyout -- Radient has no assets to take over, merge with, or buy out, other than a ticker listing on the bottom tier of the pinksheets where only zombies exist.

Now that the A/S is burned up and there are no more shares to issue, the chances for another pop on an MJ rumor of bird flu rumor or ebola rumor or WHATEVER rumor are slim, because the selling pressure is going to be even HEAVIER than it was for the MJ rumor a few weeks ago.

Those who bought the MJ rumor at .0002 and .0003 know what I'm talking about. Their finger is on the SELL trigger. They know the truth now.
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Gold Seeker

04/21/14 11:40 AM

#20993 RE: dcspka #20984

dcspka stated: " all of their licensing partners like SRL and Uni tend to put their involvement on hold waiting for the developments to crystallize."

SRL was never a licensed distributor of DR70 from Radient. SRL made a deal with Guar Diagno to sell the remainder of the unused kits purchased by Bhatia that were left over from the India scam.