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04/19/14 8:39 PM

#73354 RE: first mike #73348

since the day i first came on this board, people have been talking about manipulation of the pps by market makers, hedge funds, big money players, and other various "entities", all usually having to do with shorting...regular shorting and naked shorting...

suddenly it cant be fathomed how this is even possible?

put yourself in csc's want to turn your $100k into as many shares as possible...or, you want to make as much out that 100k as you can...the company your working with has no where else to go for money...and you have a man on the inside that you put there...

think about it


04/19/14 8:59 PM

#73356 RE: first mike #73348

That is the right question Mike. I don't think he understands that CSC has already negotiated a price for KBLB shares and to sell for anything less would be at a loss. Go figure.