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04/19/14 10:44 AM

#153858 RE: mrlahjr #153857

Toxicologists later found that the cookie Pongi ate contained as much THC — marijuana's intoxicating chemical — as six high-quality joints.

If used according to directions and in moderation, mj is beneficial. Alcohol is beneficial when used in moderation, too.



04/19/14 10:49 AM

#153860 RE: mrlahjr #153857

Will NOT affect Tranzbyte. Coke machines cause diabetes and cigarette machines cause cancer. You take a risk every time you walk out your front door. Pot risk no diff. Just more data that suggests its less dangerous than tabacco/alcohol.

ERBB will not be affected by stupid people


04/19/14 11:32 AM

#153866 RE: mrlahjr #153857

Why would this effect them? I saw on the news a drunk driver killed a pedestrian, will that effect the beer and alcohol industry?


04/19/14 12:42 PM

#153876 RE: mrlahjr #153857

Zero Effect on ERBB
By now most people can see through this type of propaganda. Those two examples are outrageous and falsely linked to marijuana.

First of all that stupid kid who jumped to his death was a meth addict who also had BATH SALTS and trace elements of nearly 150 substances in his bloodstream. Of course that was only mentioned about 10 paragraphs into the original story after the headline and first few paragraphs blamed marijuana.

Second that guy who shot his wife has a history of alcoholism and domestic abuse. Oh yeah, and he used a gun to blow away his wife but how dare anyone discuss the actual device that inflicted the fatal damage.

Thirdly we are talking about 2 deaths here people! Two deaths that were falsely linked to cannabis instead of relating it to the other problems and real reason these idiots died or killed others. How many deaths are caused each year by alcohol abuse, directly from alcohol poisoning and indirectly from alcohol related violence? How many deaths are caused directly from prescription and non-prescription drug poisoning or overdose? And then there is the whole gun death problem in the USA.

Finally, linking cannabis to the two morons in that article is so wrong because it's like saying coffee is the reason somebody died because they drove their car to fast and died in a wreck. This is like the "Twinkie Defense." Google it. I don't remember the details but it involved a murder defense based on the premise that a man got a "sugar rush" from a Twinkie that caused him to murder.

Folks, millions of people have used marijuana for centuries, heck even for millennium dating back to the first record use in China over 4000 years ago and NOT ONE single credible documented case of a fatal THC overdose has been recorded in any society across the planet. NOT ONE. Sure lies and anecdotes have falsely linked marijuana to certain fatal circumstances like the story linked to the original post, but if those are the causalities for suicide and murder, then oxygen should be linked to all deaths and we should stop breathing because it turns people into killers.

As for the Nixon papers on marijuana, that is one of the worst propaganda the marijuana plant has seen since Hearst and Anslinger's yellow journalism in the 1920s. The "study" concluded THC kills brain cells after attaching gas masks to monkeys and pumping marijuana smoke directly into their faces for several 30 minute periods. Well, what the study also failed to mention is that 2 of the monkeys actually died, NOT from THC ingestion, but from asphyxiation, meaning a lack of oxygen to the brain. So while the other monkeys survived, they showed an immediate deterioration in brain cells, NOT due to THC but because that's what happens when your brain doesn't receive oxygen. In fact, hold your breath for 30 just killed some brain cells.

The recent study about causal marijuana use damaging the brain is no better. A sample set of 20 college students were used which statistically makes the study irrelevant as it is not large enough to represent a population. The study was also not controlled, allowing the students to pursue other activities like drinking ancho and as one student recently admitted, he was also taking prescription medicine during the study.

I think people are smart enough to see through the BS. If anyone sells ERBB based on these bogus studies, good, that kind of ignorance is not needed as investors in the cannabis industry