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04/18/14 10:06 PM

#112350 RE: RickNagra #112346

Calkin speaking all three days at HEMPCON, is like Steve Jobs speaking at a computer convention in the 80s. Put things into perspective!!!! He is the leader in this new industry!


04/18/14 10:08 PM

#112354 RE: RickNagra #112346

Robert Calkin is professional. He doesn't need to toot the Green Cures horn to make it move. And I believe he will not do that at hempcon.

He may have long hair and probably smokes the best cannibus. But dont be fooled, he is just as or eve more qualified than a guy that wears a suit everyday. This guy is legit and a talented and unique business man. Having him as CEO is incredible.

Big money, investors and I bet even Big Pharma will follow Robert Calkin and will do strategic business and partnerships.


04/19/14 12:17 AM

#112397 RE: RickNagra #112346

Dude have you not watched how this crap works., Its all psychology at this level. AND we have stocks in the MJ sector that are .25 to .5o right now and DO NOT have near the potencial futrure that this stock does. And yes it's all banked on one man! When I look at Robert Calkins past and the direction that he has taken compared to others with as much knowledge and background as Mr. Calkin has. I think I'm gonna put my money on Mr Calkin. He has been teaching people how to start up and run a leagle distribution Co. in a completely illgal industry for over 20 yeas. Along with that comes 20 years of contacts and relationships already put in place. And this does not include other industry aspecks that he is associated with.

If this even reaches 1/2 of what its potential could possibly be, nobody on this board nor anywhere else can possibly put a # to how high this could be in 5 to 7 years from now. MUCH LESS THAN 1 YEAR FROM NOW. You guys go ahead and talk your mumbo jumbo with facts and figures and I will remember back thinking about the 70's with the miner stock. And then in the 80's and 90's with technology, then again in 2000 when oil started to take off. In every instance there were guy's like you trying to talk it down or even just add some form of logic to a completely illogical formula. Logic will get run over by belief every time.

All that comes to mind is?

What ever you vividly amagine, inthusiastically act epon, ardently desire, will inevitably come to pass.

This man didn't get this far to get put on his a** at the finish line....

So you guys stay on that side and we will stay on this side and let see who wins.....

Go TTDZ.....


04/19/14 7:10 AM

#112431 RE: RickNagra #112346

I agree. So much hype here for two weeks. Everybody needs to relax. Share DD but Jesus, these prices don't skyrocket in a day. There's going to be shorts upon shorts like every other penny. If you're long then you shouldn't have to worry about monster gains in a week. I'm a holder too, but let's at least be realistic. All in my opinion.