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04/18/14 11:21 AM

#104429 RE: Drill Baby #104428

Totally agree. The slow foo foo crap in iOS is really starting to rake my nerves. And the integration in Safari of using swiping gestures is annoying. Also agree with Abracadabra that the artsy crap is getting out of hand. That is not innovation.

But, I think the iPhone is still hands down a much better smart phone than Sammy makes. Ever notice how Apple peeps just quietly use their products, where as those who buy cheap MS or Droid crap gotta always pound their chest talking about they gotta better phone, not because it was what they could afford, but because it's better? lol. And all my all my broke friends own Sammy too. Yet every power user I know still owns an iPhone.

Fingers crossed TC is getting a clue.