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04/18/14 10:14 AM

#139571 RE: rl71852 #139570

He should wait until he gets what he thinks is a good deal.

Suppose my uncle had a valuable car and had promised me 10% of whatever he sold it for. Suppose I kept urging him to sell it for whatever he can get even if the offers he's receiving are far below the price he thinks he can get? I might be too eager to get my 10% and am willing to throw the real value away just so I can get something (anything) immediately.

He would probably ignore me and keep talking with people about the car, because he's sure that the deal he wants can be made when the right buyer sees the car in the right light.

If all JB has now are offers that he thinks are far less than he can get then I would expect him to keep talking deals until the price is right.

This is not an argument for waiting forever. It's based on a suspicion that JB knows a lot more about what the market is for a prospect like Hay than I do. I think I'll trust him to know what he's doing.