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Replies to #43618 on Bible (Bible)


04/18/14 6:13 AM

#43619 RE: mathew633 #43618

in you post
"and you are feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit to have that conversation, then go have it. What if it is awkward? Then it is awkward—and it just may result in their making a commitment to Christ."

When directed by the Holy Spirit we should learn to have no fear for it will not be us who says or does anything, but the Holy Spirit who works through us. It can be a sort of scary situation when The 1st couple of times when one steps out in faith to do as directed by the Holy Spirit, but then we learn to trust, our faith is strengthened, we whole point is that when you think that little man in you is telling you to do something, well do it, trust that voice, that feeling, whatever you may call it....step out of your protected shell and give it a shot...

God Bless...Have a fantastic FRIDAY


04/19/14 12:38 AM

#43639 RE: mathew633 #43618

A Righteous Judge
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. - (Psalm 19:9)

When it comes to God’s judgment, sometimes people will say they believe in a God who is not judgmental. That sounds good, but here is what they are really saying: “I believe in a God who doesn’t care about right and wrong.” To put it more bluntly, they are saying they believe in a God they just made up in their heads.

If God really is loving, then God also will be just. That is what the Bible tells us. The love of God makes Him a righteous judge. Know this: No one will be in heaven who deserves to be there. Nor will there be anyone in hell who does not deserve to be there. No one will be in heaven who went there unwillingly. And no one will be in hell who didn’t go there willingly.

God won’t force anyone to go to heaven. He won’t say, “Get up to heaven right now!” You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. On the other hand, no one will be in hell who did not go there willingly.

I like the way J. I. Packer summed it up: “Scripture sees hell as self-chosen. . . . Hell appears as God’s gesture of respect for human choice. All receive what they actually chose. Either to be with God forever, worshipping Him, or without God forever, worshipping themselves.”

How could a God of love send people to hell? He doesn’t. He won’t. If you end up in hell, then you went there willingly because you rejected His offer of forgiveness. You rejected Jesus Christ and all that He did for you. But if you ask God to forgive you of your sin, He will remove it from you and give you a change, a transformation in your life. You will be born again.