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04/17/14 7:36 PM

#10511 RE: Spocks Stocks #10508

"...filing a UCC statement against CTT..."???

Okay, I'm impressed, where did you find that?

I knew from CTTC's SEC filings that when CTTC changed his "loans" to convertibles last year, a line was included specifying that Brennan had first dibs on CTTC's "assets."

Of course, the only "assets" CTTC has is a roomful of calmares no one seems to want and a mountain of negative net operating income that perhaps he could use.

As far as him "losing faith," I'm inclined to believe he had no faith in the "company" to begin with. Instead, he had faith in his ability to "work" the company's stock to his benefit.


01/14/15 10:31 PM

#11737 RE: Spocks Stocks #10508

"Has the Board Chairman lost faith in CTT..."???

I suspect he lost it a LONG before he finally got around to filing that lien!