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04/17/14 11:46 PM

#29904 RE: APDN 4 LIFE #29893

Appreciate your Civility there 4-Life, ran across that early in the day and was a bit indignant honestly. We do like to keep the trash BS off here. Not always successful with my own posts.

I'm still upbeat on the eventual turn this is going to make, June's a little too early IF we actually do get the MDA announcement in May.

We've been getting the news from yip on the UCONN conference, the DLA Hydraulics Mfg Forum and then the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) article. Backlash on the industry backlash.

It's all so volatile, I can't tell you what's going to happen, obviously. Today's PR seemed a little odd. Hopefully we'll get the Thursday PR modus operandi going again for a spike into the May earnings. Then we can swing a little.

GL and again, Kudos on your diplomacy.