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04/17/14 12:02 AM

#2838 RE: TMEvans #2837


might be the most valuable poster on this thread. He is bullish on the stock for clearly apparent reasons, but often offers well grounded arguments which pull euphoric investors back to reality. Though they may be correct in time, his reasonable analysis is particularly valuable in an environment where most can only see green. Kudos.


04/17/14 12:32 AM

#2839 RE: TMEvans #2837

I actually have my expectations based on real information and numbers because numbers don't lie.
I actually know the HVAC designer for TWEED facilities who actually happens to work for the engineering firm I work, who actually gave me the best references about the CEO and management team and there is plenty of information publicly disclosed about their merits. I also had the opportunity to be inside TWEED facilities and was nothing less than impressed. I also know I am putting my money where my mouth is with over 60% of my portfolio currently on TWEED. Thats how confident I feel about this company but thats just me.

Some other points to think about TWEED

*TWEED is the first and only medical marihuana company in Canada licensed by Health Canada under new regulations as per April,1st 2014

*TWEED has millions of cash in hand and pretty much no liabilities

*TWEED has been taking registrations since since February and was expecting to be ready for sales and distribution in April (this month)

*TWEED has only 35.1 million O/S with over 20% restricted with millions in cash in hand and no liabilities compare with all the other US counterparts with billions of O/S and ridicules market caps.

*TWEED is planing not only dominate the Canadian market but also be ready to export. Uruguay for example, a government official stated recently they are planing to import and they were thinking on Canada....(That article was posted here, I will find the link and post as well)

.....The benefits of going public however are huge for Tweed, who while they are currently focused on the growing Canadian market, are also keen to be in a position to take advantage of the import/export market when it develops according to Rifici.....

*TWEED projections of 100 million annual revenues are based on current market conditions and could be very conservative considering Health Canada has publicly estimated this industry will grow very fast to over a billion $ industry in Canada.

TWEED margins are nothing but amazing as well.

I wont go on because is late and I am tired buy yes, I have very high expectations for TWEED and I think they are well funded. I wouldn't have over 60% of my portfolio in TWEED otherwise

Have a good night