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04/16/14 9:44 AM

#9702 RE: Sujitta #9701

All I was trying to imply is that it seemed truthful.

I also know that they wouldn't sell many in Canada land, too cold for that scheisse.

I was a little frustrated about the americade announcement, but really, they are in Thailand where everyone will be using the wheelies and moto meters anyways. Who in their right mind would take a scooter taxi in the U.S.? Except maybe in New York and Los Angeles. After I got over my anger, their decision made sense. Although it keeps their product at a distance without North American investors being able to touch it and see it.

As long as they ship some to our shores soon, they will be okay.

I agree, they need to attract an angel investor. They are going through money, but not a ridiculous amount. I don't have 2 million dollars, unfortunately. Do you Sujitta? : )


04/16/14 9:46 AM

#9703 RE: Sujitta #9701

yep my thoughts exactly. also will re note what the general said that they have no plans on revenues in the next 12 months. i'm doing the same and selling my position and will revisit sometime in the future. sorry for being a terd the last few days but this copmany with this management team is going no where fast. back to lows in the next few months in my opinion. good luck to you guys.