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04/16/14 5:53 AM

#4890 RE: Shiner #4889

The thing is it's so easy to fix

OK, we are unhappy with the lack of progress and the fact that we appear to be no further ahead than we were one, two or five years ago. Yes, we are told that we are making progress and that there is product (cards) soon to be released (or should have been able to be mass produced a month ago) or in the case of the Medical Keyrings that were released in October of last year.

The issue I have is the fact that we are outputting press releases that either say nothing or promise everything with absolutely nothing substantial behind them. No-one has seen anything and more to the point no-one is willing to show us anything.

Why not divert some money from Mr Dalsgaard and Constellation (or maybe they could pay for it as it appears they are being paid to do publicity) and have someone produce a video of the products actually in operation?

I realise that the SMME smartcards can't be used at a retail location as at the present time they aren't real EMV cards but it wouldn't be hard to set up a dummy terminal in a shopping center somewhere, have six cards that have been imprinted to six people and offer passers by the opportunity to see that they can't in fact use them as the cards are coded to someone else. While you are there do the same with the Medical Keyring and see if passers-by can access that.

Offer people money if they can access a card and when they fail have the owner of the card access it to show it's not really rigged.

While you are at it have a portable near field reader (the sort that crooks use to steal the data off your card in your wallet like here and here) in place and demonstrate just how vulnerable non-SMME cards are. While the public are there show that the SMME card is secure from such walk by pilfering of credit card details.

You will demonstrate our product, the deficiencies of the competition product and the real advantages and applications of the SMME card.

Then post on you tube. Cost is the cost of the production of the video. Benefits are:
> Happy shareholders who now have something real to show to spouses who are concerned about the depth of your investments and seeming lack of progress.
> Something to send off to the local TV station for their morning show to fill a few minutes if they so desire.
> Something real and substantial to make the rounds of the tech websites.
> Real information out there that may be useful to attract some new investors or maybe even some customers or even for just interest in the product and technology.

Personally I don't believe that the issues raised on this site effect the share price. It is small fish here at the minute and until the majors come on board I don't believe the price will reach anywhere near it's true potential. Small investors doing DD have probably already read and charted the claims of each "press release" and compared the claims to the results and will have reached the same conclusion as these posts while the majors don't pay attention to people like us anyway.

I know I did my DD before I invested and I invested anyway due more to a belief in the technology and it's far reaching applications than the press releases. I don't think we have fully grasped just how many applications there are or even thought about further breaches of the 464 that have occurred and are possible to litigate.

While my last investment was ten weeks ago I haven't ruled out dropping more cash in, I am just waiting for something substantial or real to occur to justify such an action.

Come on Chaya, give me and the rest of us a reason to give you more money! We're here, we're waiting, all we need is a sign.



04/16/14 10:26 AM

#4893 RE: Shiner #4889

I'm inclined to believe it's Chaya's refusal to give up control that is relegating investors to the back seat at the moment, Shiner. Otherwise, why would there be the continued vigorous, many times angry, pursuit of recompense from MC/Visa. Were it strictly a ponzi scheme, she could instead continue issuing shares & collecting from a new cache of "believers." This is surely the sign of someone emotionally invested, as well as financially.

This does not serve our concerns well in the short-term, and perhaps even in the final outcome. I agree, though, for investors, Hub chat should be a non-starter.

Yes, it does actually influence some penny stock prices when the chatter gets amped up, but there's usually a lot of noise and misdirection being driven by people with the means to drive the volume and speculation until it's on everyone's radar in penny land. Then the usual sell-off occurs leaving the bag holders, etc. If you're invested, though, that noise disappears and you'll find prices level off and stability returns. At best, you can use those opportunities to decrease/increase some of your holdings.

Those movements come with penny stocks, and are only controlled by sustained news, which brings us to the observation of fluff vs. real news. Someone observed earlier that by keeping good and not-so-good news flowing, Chaya builds more credibility over issuing tangential and repetitive PRs. I agree whole-heartedly. Her messages need to be for general consumption, therefore complete each time, but targeting her investor base since there is little to no direct communication any longer.

And therein lies the rub and the answer: Talk to your investors directly and at regular intervals, then you will erase the need to vent publicly. Engage.

As always, my opinion only, and the best to all here...