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04/15/14 12:25 PM

#10493 RE: powderbum #10492

Anyone who has traded CTTC has had real opportunities to make money.

If you have an agenda that does not include owning or trading shares basically are generously giving of themselves to "warn" others daily of the risks involved in a microcap stock.

You have to admire someone who gets "nothing" out of all the time spent to be helpful to others with no compensation.

Let's disregard missing all the times a trader could have made money.

Going into ASCO, I think CTTC at $1.00 will not be outside of the realm of possibility. Depends on whether there is any poster or abstract of overall media coverage on ASCO that mentions Calmare.



04/15/14 10:31 PM

#10494 RE: powderbum #10492

"I'm SO glad I bought shares in single digits..."???

And what did you say back on "05/11/10 07:52:49 PM":

"I think you could hit $5 next week and certainly $20 by year end, if not sooner.Bottom line, I expect this stock will explode with the results that come out next week."

Then you surely must have bought a slew of shares since, at the time, the stock was trading at only $3.40!

How many exactly?

Then for the next three and a half YEARS it experienced a near steady decline to a NICKEL a share.

Did you average down?

What per cent increase will be required to get from a nickel back to $3.40?

Bet it's a whole LOT more than a "1000%"!

Like I said, "Whew! I'm glad I don't own any shares!"