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04/15/14 6:21 AM

#62127 RE: little Beaner88 #62126

GNCP - Anticipation of the Q1 has been demonstrated in the manipulation of the stock price the past couple trading days. Also, the asset managers mentioned in the most recent PR have quite an inventory problem on their hands. Hiding naked short interest in the bowels of ex-clearing should be quite problematic for the parties involved.

Up until this point, they have been aided and abetted by connections within the DTC, FINRA, and the SEC. The employment, and deployment of ex-employees of these agencies is quite the norm.

Hopefully, more direction is given with regards to getting NMGL and RENS current.

Assets mangers who are betting against the company truly have reason to express concern. Too bad the expression is misguided.

Tic Toc

Darth Trader

04/15/14 8:38 AM

#62140 RE: little Beaner88 #62126

We'll see them around April 150th.