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04/15/14 1:19 AM

#186589 RE: TheManWithAPlan #186586

you are looking at things from a purely magnanimous point of veiw--and thats fine. i'm not suggesting this exactly, but playing devils advocate for a minute--if in fact it turns out that kmag was suspended by the sec for good reason, then all of jeff reid's actions can be viewed from the jaded lens of, he is doing and saying what is in his best interest--so while on the one hand he wont post audited fins--which would greatly benefit all of the stock holders here--he occasionally puts out a pr or sends someone an email that reassures and keeps the wolves at bay--bernie maddoff sent all of his client pristine financial statements of 15% gains all the while living in a house of cards--you ask why would he do such things--i say why would he not-e