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04/14/14 11:14 PM

#17066 RE: Alleyba1 #17065

Alleyba, I agree completely but, regardless, talk about water under the bridge. I say let's move on period for everyone's sake.
Like any other shareholder, I will make nothing, in fact lose, unless scrc moves a lot higher. Like most of us here, I'm not even close to even yet. Once we get past the toxic notes, and the improving revenues and profits come more and more into play, I sincerely believe, in fact I am betting/banking on/investing heavily on it, that the P/S will improve significantly, IMHO. Great things ahead and looking forward to a great rest of 2014 from here on. Thanks.


04/15/14 3:54 AM

#17068 RE: Alleyba1 #17065

before Joe Zampetti got involved in SCRC I believe the amount of convertible notes was somewhere between 50 and 60 million shares if converted.

SCRC continued to be a note-printing machine well after 5/1/13, the date of the first contract advance payment of shares to JZ. This point is wholly irrelevant.

JZ came in and was able to, by his magic cut that number down dramatically to where I am hearing the outstanding unrestricted psper is less than 2,000,000 shares. If these facts are accurate, I would say he has done an outstanding job

No, the number is not accurate and is based on a lot of squishy assumptions.

JZ was responsible for eliminating the notes? Excuse me while I pick myself off the floor. Was this before or after he discovered the cure for cancer? Or was it before he enlightened the world that the earth was round and not flat?

Let me guess: By pumping the heck out of the stock, he brought in the buying interest and volume necessary to churn shares over, right? Well, let me clue you in on something: That pumping has harmed ALL shareholders; not just the ones who ended up buying at hideously high prices and are hopelessly underwater right now, but also current existing shareholders. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here's how:

Noteholders will dump regardless of where the sp is. Their conversion terms guarantee them 40% profit regardless of whether the sp is at .09 or .99. As such, had JZ kept his yanker in his pants, most of the victims who fell for the pumping of him and his core would never have bought in. In fact, it is likely that there would have been no unusual level of buying interest whatsoever, and the sp would have gradually dropped as noteholders began dumping. But guess what? That would have been ideal for investors because they would have scooped up shares at prices likely between .05-.15 during the past 9 months (remember, the sp was only in the teens at the time JZ began his P&D), and everyone between then and now would have been able to load up to their heart's content at those prices and we would all be sitting here today with extremely low cost basis stock (and all in the green, BTW) waiting for all these potential catalysts to hit and new revenue spigots to turn on.

Instead, the P&D resulted in some noteholders selling for higher prices (but of no benefit to them because their profit is still the same 40%), but mostly resulted in some retail investors completely bending over other retail investors.

I am saying give the msn dome slack

Why? He and many others are criminals who continue to snub their noses at the law -- and by extension, the rest of us true retail investors who were not given free or deeply discounted shares.

JZ said this was a long term hold snd I believe him.

Unfortunately, JZ and many of his core of criminal mindless footsoldiers also said to many sheeple that the sp was on the verge of going to $4+ and many victims believed them as well...

I know you portrsy the facts as you see them

I present facts and support them with links to SEC filings and other independent sources whenever possible. They are "portrayed" exactly as these sources describe them to be, no more no less.

I have yet to see ANY of the claims/defenses presented by you or any other associate of JZ supported by ANYTHING whatsoever.

The TN. and compound numbers do not lie

LOL, we don't know squat about those numbers yet. What in the world are you talking about? The only lies being told about the WRx and NJ revenues are the ones from the promoters who continually attempt to deceive newbies into believing that the PR'd numbers actually all belong to SCRC...

But, hey, that reminds me, why do you keep avoiding my 3 questions? I'd love to hear your attempts at answering them.


FYI to all SCRC shareholders and potential investors,

SCRC's SEC filings have disclosed the following:

* There were 14 named individuals who were compensated to promote the stock
* There were an unknown number of unidentified individuals described simply as "various" who were compensated to promote the stock
* There were 9 unnammed "designees of JOSEPH ZAMPETTI" who were compensated to promote the stock
* There were 2 dba's (i.e. companies, so individual identities are masked) who were compensated to promote the stock

That's a lot of Section 17(b) violators out there who have intentionally failed to comply with federal securities laws (the laws requiring those who have been paid to promote a stock to disclose their compensated status) and are sitting on millions of zero-cost basis free shares trying to stick their hands into your pockets by convincing you to buy stock that they are looking to dump, most likely during the next runup. The best protection is to stay vigilant and carefully vet the MERITS of everything you read or hear, and attempt to reconcile any claims/assertions against the SEC filings to the best of your abilities -- be it the claimed magnitude of SCRC's short-term potential or any advice to hold/add only and not sell/trade.



04/16/14 2:28 PM

#17150 RE: Alleyba1 #17065

Your post reads very well, Alleyba. Your points are all effective, and are practically impossible to contradict. You have spelled it out in five lines, too.

Alleyba says.................

..........the points you raise are duly noted, but here is how I see it.............before Joe Zampetti got involved in SCRC I believe the amount of convertible notes was somewhere between 50 and 60 million shares if converted.

JZ came in and was able to, by his magic cut that number down dramatically to where I am hearing the outstanding unrestricted psper is less than 2,000,000 shares. If these facts are accurate, I would say he has done an outstanding job and the strategy to eliminate convertible notes to the extent possible has been a big win for SCRC. JZ came in and had to work the reality of countless convertible notes and I highly doubt he knew the extent of the paper when he got involved do I am saying give the msn dome slack and let us move forward and wait for some more positive news as I believe the CEO is moving in the right direction. JZ said this was a long term hold snd I believe him.

I know you portrsy the facts as you see them but let us try to work as a team on this board. The TN. and compound numbers do not lie