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04/14/14 9:11 PM

#20642 RE: Grifter #20641

The ERGOKONZEPT AG does have audited financial records since its inception in the year 2007.

Well, well, well.... Go figure!


04/14/14 9:23 PM

#20645 RE: Grifter #20641

Please Don't Pass up the Q:Charge...

ERGOKONZEPT PLC confirms interest in joining the Q: batch Europe AG

Berlin (EUobserver) - a day after the announcement of the order of the new Board, Uwe Bläsing, the Berliner tells Q: batch Europe AG, that the Potsdam ERGOKONZEPT PLC has expressed interest in an entry. The ERGOKONZEPT PLC, London, is a subsidiary of ERGOKONZEPT AG, headquartered in Potsdam, whose Board of Directors position the current Q: Board Member Uwe Bläsing held charge until 2011.

(Check) The ERGOKONZEPT PLC expects the listing on the London GXG markets in the coming days. Business focus in the development of enterprises through investments.

Raw material recycling of the Q: batch Europe AG which is Q: batch Europe AG for the year 2011 on the Berlin Stock Exchange listed. The company initially dealt with the infrastructure for electric mobility. The recycling of raw materials was established as a new business field. Currently innovative technologies for niche and key positions, their target groups can be both the processing industry and the manufacturing industry are the focus of the company's activity.