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04/14/14 3:30 PM

#5636 RE: risk on #5635

So I guess the moral of the story (if you want to make a profit in stocks) is to short: to hell with being an optimist, just be a cutthroat short and the hell with anything that moves up: Every stock is believed to be a bloated pig that has no business trading.


04/14/14 3:38 PM

#5640 RE: risk on #5635

Charts work really well for big banks and stodgy blue chips but I've never seen charts work well with 'story' stocks, like this one. It's funny how everybody loves the 'story' of 3D printing stocks, run them all up way too high compared to fundamentals, and then spins on a dime and almost all of them collapse together. I'm not sure if it's 'rotation' or market rigging. (Whenever I make a bad stock pick I try to put the blame somewhere else - but it's really my own stupidity.)