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04/14/14 10:56 AM

#20124 RE: Showmeethemoney #20123

I felt that crew were playing games (manipulating) with the stock years ago and stated such on that board, many times. That's why I believe that I was banned from there and kept on being banned. Furthermore that's why I was originally banned on this forum. One of their crew moved in as a board monitor here and managed to remove me plus other people.

Now all this is very difficult to prove. Penny stocks are shorted and manipulated on a daily basis. I believe that the SEC hasn't got the resources nor the desire to do anything about it to begin with. Plus as we all know most all of wall street is corrupt, along with congress and all politicians from the local to the national and globally. You can also throw all the local ambulance chasers in there along with them. The lowest in my opinion.... :0)

It's just the way it was, is and always will be. All in my opinion/belief.

There you have it.