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04/13/14 9:09 PM

#5756 RE: jufel #5755

What free energy says is true!
If you believe what is written in the paper then good luck with your thought process guys.
This has been going on for over ten years now. For all the reasons that free has mentioned plus more! You would probably only no that if you lived in Australia.
There is only one journalist that is reporting this stuff, and every time she contacts the company CEO for a reply , in which they give her a reply; she never puts it in the article. You know what a journo's rule is ? "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!"
The other interesting fact is that the ASIC who have no jurisdiction over an American public listed company ! So all they can do is try and discredit the people involved personally. sounds like sour grapes to me and it also sounds like the journalist is in bed with the ASIC as well.
For the record this is all old news as well ,even the pics are old , except for the pic of the engine !! Which by they way if you all read the 8k's is owned by Novagen Ingenium!!! It's called the "Y" engine with numerous patents attached to it, and that is also in the 8k's.
Wow what a great journalist she is ! Doesn't even know what she is writing about!! Hence why I stated before she and or the paper which employ her are told what to do by the corrupt powers to be inside the ASIC!!
Remember this the in reply that was given to her was that fact that the legal costs that had to be paid by Nugent were paid in full within the required time line therefore everything else is null and void !!! So why print the lies ? Because they can ! Why ? Because they know how damaging this is going to be when the truth comes out !!
So I say to you categorically read the 8k's for the truth !!!