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04/13/14 1:49 PM

#20131 RE: TradeDoctor10 #20129

Good post! Lot's of good points made in there. I'll be buying at the opening in the morning...talked with some commissioners down that way at a meeting and they say they're hearing this will still be built. good news is that I sold enough shares back near the high that I have all my initial money back and just playing with "free" shares. Still got a chunk of change to buy them at the much depreciated price now and will hold them and if they go up..GREAT, if they go down, not so great but won't really cost me one way or the other. Personally, as long as the dilution slows down, I think this stock will rise back up. I'm counting on it.

btw...why the disclaimer on your post? lol You're not putting a gun to anyone's head and making them buy the stock..that's up to each individual and they have to make their own decision and I doubt very seriously anyone could file a lawsuit against another trader for giving their opinion of what they think the stock might do in the future.


04/13/14 2:24 PM

#20134 RE: TradeDoctor10 #20129

I think many of us are in the same boat. Looking at this long term and not looking for a quick "pot stock" gain. I'm loading more Monday morning. Im also 30 years from retirement, and have my sell order set for $4.95. At that point I'm retired, however long that takes doesn't bother me, it's still a lot more money than I would probably have in 30 years in my traditional 401k. 3 years, 5 years, even 10 years, I'm happy! I'll just keep loading at these prices all the way up to .10, then let it ride.

Also myself and a few other investors attend the IDA meetings and they can also vouch that project means a lot to the county as well the state. They will not let this fail. This project is alive and ongoing, and I'm looking forward to another flight over the site once the construction and walls have gone up.