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04/25/14 9:31 PM

#1521 RE: guadis #1515

US Exports A Record Amount Of Gold To Hong Kong In January
SRSrocco -

April 25, 2014

According to the data just released by the USGS,
the United States exported a stunning 57 mt of gold bullion
to Hong Kong in January 2014.

The figures are out and it looks like the United States exported
a record amount of gold to Hong Kong in January.
Not only was this a one month record… it was a WHOPPER indeed.

Not only is this 3 times more gold exported than January 2013
(17 mt), it was 84% more gold than the record month set in
August (31 mt).

As we can see, gold bullion is fleeing the U.S. and heading
to the East. Again.. that 57 mt figure is just gold bullion.
(about what US got from Ukraine).

Furthermore, total gold exports in January nearly surpassed
the total hit in March of last year.

Total U.S. gold exports in March, 2013 were 80.8 mt compared
to 80.7 mt in January of this year.

This is where the majority of the remaining gold was exported
in January:

Gold Bullion:

Australia 3.1 mt, Thailand 2 mt, Switzerland 1.5 mt & Singapore 1.0 mt

Dore’ & precipitates:

Switzerland 10.6 mt, India 2.7 mt & United Arab Emirates 1.4 mt

As the West continues to play games with fiat$fed Poncy scheme -
Monopoly money and Derivatives manufacturing,
the East accumulates
as much gold as it possibly can.
They know the GOLD stands for the white mans power -

While Rothschilds 666 Main Stream Media and its Bankesters cohorts
release bearish $1,050 price targets for gold
, the Asians and
Indians smile :-) as they build the largest amount
of gold stocks in the world -
they get the GOLD for fiat$ they know is bankrupt but khazarian
gypsy king pin Rothschild and the muslim brotherhood leader of
BS Ozama send it to them -

I get a real kick at the degree of negative sentiment coming from
many gold and silver investors.
Who said this was going to be easy?
It’s simply amazing to watch a DIEHARD gold or silver bug become
bearish and downright nasty brain washed dunce fools now that
times are tough.

However, this is exactly what the FIAT MONETARY AUTHORITIES had
in mind.
Unfortunately, many have fallen for their 666 agenda nwo plan…

Last year, the U.S. exported a total of 215 metric tons of gold
bullion to Hong Kong.
This was not the total amount of gold exported to Hong Kong as
some smaller quantities of Dore’ and precipitates made their way
into the country as well.

However, Hong Kong received more gold than any other country…
Switzerland came in second at 150 metric tons.
The table above shows the breakdown in U.S. Gold Bullion
exports in 2013 -

Jim Sinclair on the future of Gold at $50,000 per Ounce -

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery -

When does banksters’ extortion become outright theft?

God Bless

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05/05/14 11:43 PM

#1524 RE: guadis #1515

Indian Gold consumption still rose by more than 100 tonnes to 975 tonnes last year -
while according to some estimates "unofficial imports"
almost doubled to more than 100 tonnes.

Note. bottom line gold demand consumption and imports -
God Bless