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04/12/14 12:37 PM

#180522 RE: Dutch50 #180513

If you can't get the product out by that date DON'T SET A TARGET DATE.

Silly ... this is the NTEK stock tout chat board, how else do you keep people interested and buying NTEK shares if you DON'T set target dates.
It's the dates they don't post that id actually reality.


04/12/14 7:05 PM

#180594 RE: Dutch50 #180513

NTEK is a start-up, not Apple or Google......growing pains will arise, but what matters is that they are expanding, growing content, forging media partnerships and about to debut a huge new product......if you want safe, then invest in Apple......if you want the chance huge ROI, then buy here, either way, makes no difference to me.