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04/17/14 7:35 AM

#982 RE: kentonmag1 #981

I am sorry I just do not agree with you here. With public released statements and OTC reporting and getting decent people into Management, along with all the expanding medical MJ laws growing out there in several States as well.

SC recently adopted such as well and REFG and others were mentioned in a local news article about that a couple weeks back now...

I am NOT a proponent of legalized POT like in CO where I am from, but I see the business model and the industry and why I am invested into this heavily today...

I DO NOT listen to analysts and I certainly DO NOT listen or scare from fools who bash 24/7 on anything they want out there as if to help drive down stock prices in their short & naked shortselling activities which the FEDS need to stand up and curtail, as those are more detrimental to all corporate operations of any public traded equity today and should not be allwoed...


08/22/14 12:48 PM

#1011 RE: kentonmag1 #981

Dude I think it's already busted... Rebuilding will come after Feds reschedule MJ