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Josef Svejk

05/11/01 1:44 PM

#871 RE: Georgia Bard #867

Humbly disagree, GB,

Jo you did not make an opinion just a sly tap at me.

I quoted Shakespeare to you. Specifically, I posted "Look in thy glass, and tell the face thou viewest" -- Shakespeare.

It was the response to this post of yours:

The implied meaning was, since I have to be blunt, "look in the mirror, what you said applies to you."

In other words, a perfectly valid point of view. You deleted it, though you keep claiming you welcome valid contrary opinion, and cast yourself as a fighter for truth. Major contradiction. THAT is, and has been all along, the point of this conversation.

AH the contradiction you supprt IHUB but you do not support chair's rights to control their threads

Again, you put erroneous words in my mouth. I have never done the above. I have ONLY maintained that the Admin must have the ultimate say, and that arbitrary deletion of posts is wrong -- on anyone's part.

But you do not like it when your post is remove because did not offer anything more that a childish clever stab that you feel should be heard as an opinion.

I do not like it when my posts are removed even though they do not violate the ToU, as I have done on your thread. And once again I take issue with your qualification of my posts. that in itself is fine, state your view, but do not delete mine, for arbitrary reasons.

LOL .. I do not think so. Now you want to blast me then bring the underlying basis.

No, I'm repeatedly "blasting" you for your hypocritical actions.

But you refuse to do so and on topic.

Quite the contrary. I have even been reprimanded a few posts back by David for staying on topic. Read the thread.

I realize that you can;t because as you have stated you are defending Bob and taking me on because I dared to question him.

Absolutely incorrect again. I have repeatedly stated here my issue is with YOUR deleting of posts. Nothing to do with HuBob. Your actions, not HuBob's have been the primary focus of my posts here. read the thread.

