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04/09/14 1:54 PM

#252 RE: Steady_T #250

Be positive perhaps. Anything is possible.

This reorg DOES incldue shareholders of date and why so many shares are being scarfed up by large hands; in fact, other day, I posted article showing there will be 4 major entities who hold a majority of shares if nothing changes right now and reorg goes on as planned, etc..

The Warrants give people right to purchas stock later, and as projections from the reorg are it will be trading at huge multiples, will give right to sharehodlers of warrants toe xercise them and buy said stock at discounted rate from PPS at that time.

I had warrants in past years form other deals and they are not a bad thing as so many posters seem to liek to go on relentlessly about.Can lock ina tidy future profit if you own lots of warrants or the stock right now prior reorg finalization, and why as I believe, we see so many stock shares being bought still after friday...