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04/08/14 12:09 PM

#117152 RE: Bridge57 #117151

The 10K has a bunch of interesting tidbits. Rob and Mitch now control only 3.5% of the company. Asher Enterprises, Magna Group, and Iconic Holdings own 9.9% each of the company. Asher and Magna have their own boards on IHUB--both are toxic financiers. Iconic Holdings looks like a storefront holding company out of Brooklyn with 2 employees and $120,000 in assets-- probably a wanna be toxic financier. What do you want to bet that we'll see another preferred share issue to Rob before the stockholders' meeting?

Also interesting are the $14,513 and $126,237 paid for advertising in 2013 and 2012. That's a lot of money for paid posters. They sure won't going to trade shows to demonstrate their expertise.

Further-- unpaid insurance and equipment rental lawsuits for $15,000 and $56,000 and $7,500 MSHA Fines

At this point it would be pointless to go into any comprehensive debt analysis. It just isn't worth the effort. Let suffice to say that it just sucks. \V/_