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Dragon Lady

04/06/14 1:05 PM

#6833 RE: Gsdubb #6832

Well, that's seems like some pretty thorough, interesting info. But again- problem's seen IMO are:
a) Why is it only in what appears to be a private email conversation between an individual and the CEO of a public traded company, and not distributed to all as public disclosure? Also, did "Mike" a CEO really write that- as it's got a bunch of poorly written sentences, punctuation problems and more in it? "we will definitely will roll out "? "Will" is used twice, incorrectly? And that's not the only place it's got major sentence construction problems? "Prior to the Bioheart"? That should read, "Prior to Bioheart" (no "the" needed), etc In all other emails I've ever seen posted from "Mike" it ends in "Warmest regards" or some similar closing salutation. Never "Mike"? But again, that's just my memory and what I've seen quoted many, many times?

b) Most important IMHO, is man, sure looks like a crowded space from all those names listed? If all BHRT does is "license" it- then what do they have that's proprietary or special? How then do they ever make any money off of all of this? What's the patentable portions, special "tech/process" that will belong to BHRT, that some 10,000 gorilla like a Baxter can't just step in and license, or more importantly, just buy-out on their own from that wash list of names?

Still, doesn't make real sense to me? Just not "getting it"? Those posts, that last one have a lot of info in them, but more questions than answers IMHO? A lot of "players", and who knows who has patent that makes um special, then BHRT has to license what they don't own- and then do what with it to make it a money maker? Also, are those license deals exclusive? Can anyone else step-in and license/use the same thing? That's what it makes me wonder? As stated, it's a lot of names, info, appears to perhaps explain a few things (vague IMO), but it also opens a big round of more questions as I see it. At least you were chasing due diligence and saw some missing puzzle pieces, that seem obvious also to me, and began to ask the questions. Only thing, it still doesn't make a "big picture" sense IMO, especially as to how it now gets monetized and protected and proprietary and all those other big, important "tech" type "stuff" that has to fit together to have a big seller/winner as I see it.