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04/06/14 9:58 PM

#10423 RE: powderbum #10420


Yeah, uh-huh!

So she finishes her last treatment two days ago, then rushes home to post a whole day later how "pain relieved" she is, but she isn't so excited as to forget to include the costs, a "hint" that it's NOT covered by insurance, but she's so "happy" now that the cost just doesn't matter!

Why sure, wouldn't everyone think to include that information in their first post after being miraculously relieved of two years of chronic pain?

And I'm sure everyone would also think to throw in a disclaimer that they're not being "paid or compensated"! Perfectly logical!

Ditto for mentioning that it's "not a TENS machine" and including photos of the calmare, her getting treated, and the treatment room.

I could even overlook her saying, "there is a reason people are coming from the UK, Europe and all over the US to see this doctor," even though it sounds remarkably like an advertising agency script.

But then don't you know, she just had to go and raise my suspicions by posting a link to that THREE YEAR OLD "" story about that Utah boy! Now that struck me as a bit peculiar.

And then she tops that by posting a link to "" -- the blog of "Amanda Siebe" who, as you may recall, was NOT charged for her therapy in exchange for promoting the device "in open houses at the clinic" AND who actually reported looking forward to a "career" promoting the device! I guess that "career" hasn't paid off since she hasn't posted anything further about the calmare.

Now, I find there is just a little too much "coincidence" going on, so pardon me if I'm a bit skeptical about how "mellissarose" might define "not...compensated." Also, just looking around her blog at photos of the inside of her home, I don't get the impression of someone who can afford to gamble $2500 and the costs of staying in a hotel for two weeks on some therapy that her husband allegedly read about barely a week before going for her first treatment -- if you get my drift.

Two humorous points I noted. First, nowhere in her multiple posts about the treatment does she mention either Cooney's name or even the name of the clinic! She doesn't even mention the town it's in! It's just a calmare clinic in New Jersey! She's so excited that in the 4-5 posts about her therapy she doesn't mention him or the name of the clinic? Go figure!

Second, she mentioned in an earlier post from December about being referred to a pain clinic, but the earliest available appointment was three MONTHS away! Then she calls Cooney on Wednesday and he's ready to start the first five days of therapy the very NEXT MONDAY! Now THAT is service! Nice thing about seeking quack medical therapy not covered by insurance is that getting an appointment is super easy!

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04/21/14 9:01 PM

#10531 RE: powderbum #10420

"Would I recommend Calmare? 4/5/2014"???

Well, evidently NOT!

I mean it was barely two WEEKS ago that "mellissa-rose" was overflowing with glowing comments about calmare even though -- as she made significant effort to point out -- she was "not getting paid or compensated for my opinions."

But on April 18 she turns around and posts on her blog:

"I have an appointment on Tuesday with my pain doctor. We are going to try a spinal stimulus trial which should be scheduled for the next few weeks."

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Sounds like somebody's a'hurtin'!

I guess that's why "calmare certified" Cooney hasn't included her on his blog "honor roll" of patients -- I wonder if he offered to refund her money!

And to think that ASCO is almost upon us! I can just imagine that poor CTTC sales rep, so DESPERATE to sell a calmare -- even though he's no longer "authorized" to -- surrounded by MDs who all recognize it's just a quack medical device, and all these press releases slinging insults and accusations back and forth between the inventor and Conrad, and now "mellissa" has up and done decided to try a REAL medical device!

Very disheartening stuff -- don't you agree? Is it too late to get a refund on the ASCO booth?