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04/05/14 10:03 AM

#12219 RE: moxa1 #12217

I forgot about that, thanks you just really spoiled my weekend!


04/05/14 3:21 PM

#12223 RE: moxa1 #12217

It is EVERY area of the gov't. Anyone who still believes that a person, liberal or conservative, Repub or Dem, can go to Washington, or rise to a high position in gov't, stay there for any length of time, and not become corrupt, and eventually a sociopath, is still living in a dream world. EVERY gov't on the planet IS CORRUPT to the core.

People poke at Putin or some third world dictator, but ALL gov'ts, at the top, are full of nothing but crooks, sociopaths, and psychopaths.

I'd tell you what the problem is, but then the message would get distorted, so let's just leave it at "money and power corrupt." Think sports stars or Bieber, and you get the power of perceived fame and fortune.


04/06/14 11:09 AM

#12235 RE: moxa1 #12217

I think the term"missing"is incorrect,you can bet,somebody knows where that money is!!!