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04/05/14 7:20 AM

#137352 RE: Badge714 #137350

Badge this is terrible! I've emailed the company about this and I'll be happy to update the ihub board members on their response. Keep digging! Always better to be informed than to be ignorant.


04/05/14 9:15 AM

#137353 RE: Badge714 #137350

IMO Cheryl has not been associated with rfmk for awhile now, she was very active and public about promoting cannacig and rfmk, but I have not seen anything from her for some time now. I think tom got rid of her, she was not helping the company. AIMO


04/05/14 11:22 PM

#137364 RE: Badge714 #137350

Ouch...Down goes Frazier...Down goes Frazier.. No wonder this pps is tanking.


04/06/14 7:39 AM

#137367 RE: Badge714 #137350

RFMK and Cheryl Shuman history.

Shuman was a real piece of work during her RFMK tenure from May 2012 - May 2013, remember her prediction of RFMK to $1 and her $100M green asset war chest!!!!

All the hype, all the false intents, all the B$.

These pitches along side Allinder where classic as the pieces to build up this STOCK SELLING SCAM were put into place - piece by DILUTED pieces since Feb 2012 @ a rate of 200,000,000 - 300,000,000 diluted shares every 4-6 weeks.

And still today this RFMK DILUTIVE puzzle is still in play; just different players alonf side Allinder.



09/08/14 11:26 AM

#139281 RE: Badge714 #137350

i did the click to, it shows 404 error. no go! must have had it censored!

got any other on her?