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04/05/14 1:44 AM

#42362 RE: d4diddy #42361

The Oil patch boys are rich. They can afford a REAL salary plus shore-nuff perks. So I would need a signing bonus of 7.8 million, a company jet, a fleet of Limos and a plush office well stocked with nubile secretaries and go-fers. Maybe a round dozen.

In exchange, I would offer much more believable lies than has been the wont afore furnished. The G4 is not in it. I would expand into a less esoteric and more universal market with appeal to even Joe Sixpack and his fat wife, as well as all patriotic americans. I would promise to work hard and do right, vote Republican and save a life every 10 seconds.

I would promise to make CDEX into another SUPER INFAMOUS company, regarded with suspicion by all lesser liars as one like to corner the lie market on an INTERNATIONAL SCALE. Sought after by all politicians as a source of believable lies.

Further, I would promise to provide STERLING excuses for every failure, blaming it all on the Government.